AJA 25: Leadville, New Hour Record, and the Gravelero


After a nice long summer break, we're back with more questions for Josh. Josh, Hottie and Fatty met IRL in Leadville last month, so we spend a good chunk of this episode talking about the LT100 MTB race -- altitude, aerodynamic speed minimums, and other marginal gains available two miles above sea level. We also make time to talk about Dan Bigham's amazing new hour record, aerometers, and the story behind the new Gravelero pump. Don't miss this episode!

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  • Karl

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  • David

    Another hour record question…

    If one were planning on a record attempt at elevation (Colorado Springs – 6000ft) but they lived near sea level, are there any options for acclimatization at home? Do altitude tents actually work? Is 8hrs a day enough to see any physiological improvement? Will a month sleeping in an altitude tent closely replace actually going to altitude for a month before the attempt?

    Thanks guys,
    Love the podcast.

  • Tim

    Dear Hottie, Fatty and Josh. Firstly, thanks for the podcast, I love listening to it and it gives some fascinating insights even for amateurs like myself.

    I’ve got a question about something Josh said in the Dan Bigham hour-record episode. In the episode, Josh said how impressed he was with Dan’s negative split strategy. Whilst it’s obviously great from a psychological perspective, I can’t help wondering if this strategy leaves the rider at a disadvantage from the perspective of the physics…

    If the dominating factor in an hour record is air resistance, and this is non-linear, then surely the most efficient way to do it would be to ride at an exactly consistent speed throughout the whole hour? Otherwise, you will spend some time going slower than your overall average speed and some time going faster. The problem is though that the extra effort you have to put in to go faster than your average speed will be more than the effort you “save” in the time you are going below your average speed. How much of a difference do you think this would make in terms of distance in an hour record, and do you think it is outweighed by the psychological benefits?

    Greetings from Germany, and keep up the good work!

    Tim (who definitely goes slower than he thinks at the start of a long ride, so he doesn’t blow up before the end…)

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