AJA #31: Chain Guards, Speed Wobble, & Why We Can't Have Nice Things


  • Jock

    For the gentleman who had the speed wobble on that one particular descent. My first thought on a possible resolve would be to make sure preempt the wobble by holding the top tube with his knees before the descent. I never do fast turns without at least one knee touching the top tube, especially now with all the carbon wheels and the likelihood of wind and buffeting. On extreme wind and buffeting on descents it is a necessity to lock the top tube with both your knees otherwise you cannot go fast… no fun

  • Chris

    Silca Pista pump: why is it sold with a gauge that can reach 200 psi? Can it be retrofitted with one that only goes to 100 psi? Even at 200 lbs, I’m not going about 100 psi per your calculation. I’m getting old, and that 200 psi font is small. 😂

  • tuctrohs on Reddit

    The “C” in 700C is not indicating a hooked or crochet rim. It’s a legacy indication of tire width, that meant about 44 mm tire width. The C for crotchet is in the ISO rim designation, 622 × 19C, for example, meaning 622 BSD with 19 mm inside width. 622 × 20 without the C would indicate a straight-sided rim with 20 mm inside width.

    In the old French width system, C is 44 mm width, and D is about 60 mm. These new wheels, 660 BSD with tire widths around 44 mm should be called 750C. 750D would be a the name for a 60 mm wide tire on a ~630 BSD rim.

  • Joseph Kozachek

    Hi all… not so much a comment as a question for Josh…. This is regarding polish and deep section matte wheels…(disc brake only). Question: Should you use polish on the wheel surfaces. 1) will it reduce drag? 2) will it interfere with the forming of a boundry layer and air re attachment? or 3) will it not do much opther than maybe let the wheel stay cleaner?

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