Good People in Bad Times

This was not the episode we intended to create. Josh, Hottie, and Fatty sat down to record an episode on confirmation bias and how it can undercut marginal gains and instead found that what we want to talk about — and think you might enjoy hearing — is the good things Josh is seeing during a very difficult time.

So this is a "stories" episode: stories about good things other companies have been doing to help Silca, good things Silca is doing for its employees, good things Silca employees are doing to help keep the company going, and good things Silca is doing to help the community at large.

It's an accidental, unscripted, feel-good hour of stories. We think it's exactly the marginal gain episode you might need right now.

Got a question you’d like to ask? Text or leave a voicemail at the Marginal Gains Hotline: +1-317-343-4506 or just leave a comment in this post!

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  • Furniture Portal

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  • DaveQB

    Question on energy loss due to suspension.

    A seatpost with a spring type suspension, verse a fixed seatpost.

    Would it be true to say that with a suspension seatpost, it would take less torque through the pedals to start to lift you up (unload the spring slightly vs lift all of your weight up off the saddle with a fixed seatpost) and thus some power loss due to energy used to unload the spring vs all energy going into the pedals? Is there any logic to what I am asking? Is it even measurable? Or is this unloading of the spring (and thus slight lift in your body) off-set by the fact this lift is helping to bring up (or unload) the other pedal/leg that is going through the up faze of the pedal stroke?

    I suppose even on a fixed seatpost, there is unloading of your rear end on the saddle hence why a cure to a sore rear end while riding is to pedal harder.

    Or is another way of looking at it is that a suspension seatpost would be like always pedaling ever so slightly out of the saddle and we know that pedaling seated is more efficient than out of the saddle.

    I think I have confused myself :-)

    Please “unconfuse” me!

    Thank you.

    Love the show! Thanks.

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