Making it Personal: Silca's Travis Verhoff Looks for Marginal Gains at Unbound


Silca's own Travis Verhoff has an unusual work assignment: plan, train for, and execute the most Marginal Gain-y Unbound possible. If you've been following the Silca YouTube channel, you've been tracking his progress. In this episode, we catch up with his bike setup, key learnings and surprises from time in the wind tunnel, using the Chung method on course to select tire pressure just days before the race, his nutrition, and a lot more. If you're a nerd about Marginal Gains (and we know you are), do not miss this episode about putting theory into practice.

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  • Jesus

    Question about calculating weight in a bike that pulls a trailer: do we add up all weights together for the purposes of estimating the entire system’s weight (with regards to how your calculator thinks about weight) or do we calculate them separately? Thanks.

  • Noah

    Re: Number plates. The rules on the Unbound plates explicitly say that bending them can be grounds for disqualification.

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