Travis Takes on Unbound


For Silca’s E-commerce manager, Travis Verhoff, the 2023 edition of Unbound has been a bit of an ongoing science project. In this episode of Marginal Gains, we dig into Travis' expectations, last-minute changes, and key learnings from this experiment...and after all is said and done, what he would change and whether he'd ever race this monster again.


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  • Travis Verhoff

    @Ric I used a 48×31 crank and 11-40 cassette

  • Chuck van Rens

    I used the new chain stripper and then hot waxed. How many miles can I expect to get before Hot waxing again. Can I use Super Secret to extend the time to next hot wax?

  • Ric Kellen

    You talked about Travis using a 2x Shimano drivetrain on the podcast. Could you refresh my memory on the gears used as well as the components ?
    Thank you !

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